At Sar-El Media & Productions, our talented writers/editors utilize film industry standard technology to deliver premium post production services. We like our clients to have clear expectations as to the nature of our editing process.



We never lose sight of our clients’ vision. Following the shooting phase of production, a pre-edit outline is prepared for the editor. This document serves to connect between the filmed material and the original script agreed upon by the client.


Rough Cut

Using the outline, the editor produces an initial “rough cut” containing visuals and music. This cut, while far from the final product, offers a general idea of the feel, pacing, and duration of the piece. At this stage clients are requested to comment on the direction of the editing, and changes are implemented accordingly.


Second Cut

Color, audio, and graphics are added. The client is offered a second opportunity to comment on the changes made by the editor.


Final Cut

A final cut is provided to the client. Any additional edits are not included.